


单词: tip

释义: *[tip]
n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 末端, 倾斜, 垃圾场, 小费, 轻击, 指点, 秘密消息
vt. 装顶端, 使倾斜, 使翻倒, 泄露, 告诫, 暗示, 给...小费, 轻击
vi. 倾斜, 翻倒, 倾覆, 踮脚走, 给小费
【计】 终端接口处理器, 提示, 技巧
【医】 尖, 端; 耳轮尖
miss one's tip
have sth at the tip of one's tongue
have sth on the tip of one's tongue
tip over
give sb the tip to do sth
give sb the straight tip

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