


单词: jump

释义: *[dʒʌmp]
n. 跳跃, 跳动, 暴涨, 惊跳
vt. 跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃
vi. 跳跃, 跳, 跳动, 暴涨
【计】 转移, 跳转
【经】 暴涨, 猛增, 非法侵占(采矿权)
jump at sth
jump to one's feet
jump to a conlusion
jump at the job
give sb a jump
at a full jump
be all of a jump
from the jump
get the jump on
jump off
jump sb out
jump to it
on the jump
keep the enemy on the jump
on the keen jump
jump down someone's throat
jump at
jump the gun
jump the queue

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